Safety is a DeFi !


Amastan, the mobile security revolution!

  • A unique patented technology which makes totally impossible all information hijacking and all diversions techniques known to date.
  • The easiest daily mobility solution
  • Completely secure mobile solutions for:
    • Financial transactions (Physical Buying, E-commerce, M-commerce, E-banking)
    • Identity management and information system remote access, supporting multiple levels of clearances with geo location correlation (SME’s, Administrations, Online games platforms....)
    • Managing Physical Access and attendance in real time (Electronic lock, Camera, Staff protected areas, etc.)
    • Autonomous mobile App for interactive marketing offering flash promotions in real time in a configurable near perimeter
  • Secured by a unique and ephemeral random encryption for each messaging user with a endless number of combinations
  • Up to 5 Factors of safety and self-authentication.

2022 by Amastan Innovation ©